Monday, January 12, 2009

Angel has a New Job!

Angel has a new JOB...

I am now cleaning rooms at the...

I start work at 9:00 & clean until I'm all done! I get home in time for the kids!
I started on Thursday did my training for 3 days then was on my own Sunday. I was told that I was doing a great job and that I was a fast cleaner...I am so tired when I get home but I do love that I get to do something new! Maybe someday I will move up to Front Desk!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Daniel's Baptism

Daniel Jackson Livingston was Baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints January 3, 2009.

We had lots of family and some friends there to witness such a wonderful day. Daniel was all smiles as usual. He got all dressed up in his Sunday best & we went to the church around 11:30. After we got to the church Tim & Daniel went and were dressed all in White. They took their seats and the program began. Susan gave the opening prayer, Glenna Plumb (Friend) gave the talk on Baptism, we sang "When I Am Baptized", Tim then Baptized Daniel (he had to do it twice because Daniel's foot came up), then we watched a slide show of Daniel, we then got to hear a talk on the Holy Ghost by Shelby Jarman (aunt), Daniel was then received his confirmation by his dad, we sang "I Am A Child of God", and Nicholas gave the closing prayer. After some catching up with family and friends we then proceeded to the Pizza Factory for some Pizza & games. Here are a few pictures of the day. (Also see the slide show).

Thank you to all who made Daniels day the BEST!

Tim & Daniel all ready for the big Moment!
Daniel, Ethan, Maddy, Maggie....They all had fun playing games & eating Pizza!
Kirbie, Daniel & Kylee (I love Dan's cheesy face)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009

The night started out with Susan, Nicholas & some friends going to a fireside and & Dance.

Then Daniel & Mom went to Missy's House for some Party Time!! Which included some Great Food and Karaoke...

This was the food spread before we all dug in...

And this was when we finally rolled away from the table...

Missy getting the Party Started..
Then the Dancing started..This is Marty, Dan & Angel getting their Groove on!

And Yes Angel was singing (we sang Children Songs like BINGO, & This Old Man)


Then all the old people sat down!!! (Angel was asleep on the other couch)

Thank you to Missy & Marty for letting us Come Celebrate the New Year with them and their family...We had a great time!