Monday, October 20, 2008

Apple Pie Filling

Ok Missy & I got our MOLLY ON once again! Missy came over and helped me Jar Apple Pie Filling! I just can't believe I have stuff to put on my food storage shelf. Our next task is Chicken & Hamburger. That will be so much fun! Well, I always have fun with my Missy Fish!


Rogers said...

Looks like so much fun! I wish I were closer. You are motivating me though here soon I am going to do some. I ordered some chicken at $1.44 a lbs. I will be with you in spirit. Go girls!

Stacey said...

Angel- YOU are so inspiring! I love what a Martha Stewart you have become! _Your family picture at Disney World is so cute! What a great family! Love ya! Stac

Rogers said...

I tagged you! ck my blog. Miss ya.
love ya.