Monday, November 24, 2008


I loved the movie...It was soo good!!! We sat in a movie theater filled with Twilight Fans. When Edward came on screen everyone yelled (some louder than others lol. When Edward and Bella Kissed for the first time we all made the ohoooo sound (again some louder than others!) and when something made us laugh everyone laughed (you get the picture some louder than others!) Now the book was GREAT we all know that...The movie was a very condensed version of the book so it was not as GREAT as the book but still they did a great job!!! I also heard that since Twilight did so good they were going to go ahead with New Moon...So next year this now 37, then to be 38 year old woman will be right there watching making all those noises with everyone else (me being lounder than others!!!)

Here is a few pictures of the group I went with...Needless to say we all had a GREAT time!

In this picture you have
Frankie, Susan,
Sage, Missy & Angel!
Like our T-Shirts?

This was us standing in line before we got our seats!

Another picture of us in line...Dawn surprised us and showed up...
While some went to get Candy I snapped this picture...We had GREAT seats!

So until next year....


Rogers said...

It looks so much fun! I am so glad you guys had a great time! I know I missed out on all the fun. Love the pictures. I sure enjoy your blog! Love it!

Stacey said...

Angel- How fun! You are the coolest mom ever! I am so missing you!

Rogers said...

I love the new Christmas background! Hope you had a great thanksgiving. I heard you went shopping how fun, I am sorry I missed out!

Rogers said...

I love the new Christmas background! Hope you had a great thanksgiving. I heard you went shopping how fun, I am sorry I missed out!